Monday, May 17, 2010

a way to live is like a way to die

when u read the topic
u may think i'm crazy writting so
seriously in life, every step bring u close to death
that's why there's a song called "live like we're dying"
a meaningful song, asking everyone to appreciate life 

for me, when u're suffering
living has no different from dying
or even a solution to die do benefit the world in the end
some said doom day coming, what should i do?
i answered, we'll decide when it really happens

is really doom day coming? who knows, maybe it's a judgment day from the order of god

everyone do face their problems
troubles do visit like friend, o even a close friend
things u never know do happen in the end
world do change every moment, probably a good supporting is their sunrise and sun set

when there's no hope, i will look for a new hope, hoping the old hope do comes back
when luck turns bad, juz find another luck that will leads u better

when having family problem, juz avoid it b4 things get ugly
argue with family do not earn in the end of the say
the one who understand earns the most in the end
why? ppl who argue is always short sighted
so called ppl who destroy the world rather than maintain it

when plan a fails, go for plan b o come out with new plan c
what to do? life's always up and down, a rolling stone
the faster o the further it goes, the more problems visit

even if u hate your life, appreciate everyone moment as a gift
when u feel that's enough, juz end it, save the resource for the others waiting for doom day

change what is changeable, accept what is unchangeable
life's tough that makes anyone feel stress,tired and pressure

we do not blame anyone for it
like it then you thank this world
hate it then juz leave this world b4 u suffer more

i admit somehow i do hate what life had lead to
o rather it's the order from fate
but i scare of losing this dream
even if no one can promise for their tomorrow
die silently, everything end
ppl who hav their life on, will frustrated on how to take all your legacy u left to this world
that's why ppl do say suicide is a irresponsible action

when there's dream
juz go for it  b4 everything too late
giv up only when you die else DONT

Sunday, May 2, 2010

movies' reviews may 2010

recently being run out of idea i guess
n i was surprised that i din update my blog for the previous whole month
and OMG, i'm surprised time pass that fast

recently i went hong kong and macau, last month

that's the link to the picture album i took during vacation
too many pics to share here i can say

b4 i went hong kong,

i watched How to Train your Dragon in 3D
the 3D effect is surprisingly amazing
the movie gives message of hope 
such as u get to see how the injured dragon got to fly again
it;s kinda touching
the only disappointment for me is how can the main character lose his leg, it juz tell us how reality is.
overall a worth watching movie, glad i watched it in 3D

a movie taken by the Australians, featuring from the hot trend of Vampire story
Yes, vampire, cold blood skin that farm n feed wif human blood
it's a pretty cool movie, telling how a vampire world can b
which type of blood they choose to hav wif their meals, pure human blood drinks, o even having "day vision" in their vehicles
the way some "savior" suggest the vampire to return as human, is a good reflection on a hot topic nowadays, asking human to become vegetarian and same mother nature earth
the only think i don like bout this movie, tremble(so called high frequency sharp sound) is kinda high that may cause yr ears sensitive wif this kinda effect

Ice Kacang Puppy Love
a movie directed by "ah niu", story edited from his first love, he even scarify to fund for the movie using his house as security
the movie has good story line, featuring malaysia 1980s life style, even can b a good movie for reference as malaysian;s cultural
from the title, i tot puppy love is for unserious love isn;t it? y don he named it first love o sth?
the movie does hav good movie shooting skill and background music
hopefully it's a good start from this new director
a worthy watching movie, characters that may reflect peoples around u

Iron Man 2
some called it AYAM man(west malaysia case)
some even edit it in IP Man 2 ;s poster which made a good LOL material
a long waiting movie, tho i may hav watch it later than anyone, it's still a worth watching movie
ppl do complain the storyline, the villains being too weak o even iron man only appeared 4times in the movie
for me, those r still acceptable, i like the funny parts inside, especially when the audi R8 was used as a suprising "transport"
there's a scene was missing if u all hav watched from the trailer, which pott(the female main character) kissed iron man's helmet n drop it from the sky, my guess is, probably iron man can;t navigate himself without the helmet's head up display. 
a worth watching movie, for actions, mecha and funny parts that bright up your day

had an exciting weekend
hopefully tomorrow is always a better day